
About Us


DFWI is managed by a Board of Trustees made up of elected and co-opted members. Elections are held biennially and any member may stand for election. The Board of Trustees elect their own officers. The rules state that there can only be co-opted members equivalent to one third of the Board.

DFWI holds up to two council meetings a year. This is the time when members meet the Board of Trustees and hear about federation business. Each WI is entitled to send a delegate to vote on their behalf. These are day-long occasions that include awards for members’ achievements and entertainment. Presentations are given by local worthwhile causes and the day always culminates with a well-known speaker.

The Board of Trustees are volunteers from WIs around the county. They meet regularly, usually once a month. While some of these meetings are in person many are on Zoom to save travelling long distances. In addition every Trustee sits on at least one subcommittee.

DFWI owns its own property at The Firs in Blackhorse, Exeter.


Board of Trustees


Evelyn Watson


Rita Nebbett
Vice Chair


Roz Matterface
Vice Chair


Marie Rhodes


Jan Connolly


Pam Keane


Sarah Shorthouse


Jane Jury




Combined Arts Subcommittee

Most WI members are aware that the Combined Arts Committee are responsible for the running of our wonderful Carol Service every year, which we know so many of you attend and enjoy. You may also be aware that we are in charge of providing the subject matter and judging of the St George’s Day Trophy and Radio Devon Cup competitions, which are awarded annually, usually at the Spring Council Meeting.

You may be interested to know that other topics which come under our large umbrella are just about any and everything one can think of to do with “the arts” – from every conceivable form of Art itself to (these days) Zooming, with subjects covering just about every letter of the alphabet in between!

If you have any ideas for what you would like us to provide for you in the future, whatever sphere of interest you have, please get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you all again at a future Combined Arts event - whenever that may be!

Now, a little heads up on a Combined Arts Zoom event coming your way soon. We are planning a “Museum of Things” fun afternoon/evening where members will be invited to show any item and tell the ‘audience’ something about it, within a given time limit. It could be absolutely anything that has a bit of history (or mystery), an item that is very special to you for whatever reason or something you just think would interest others! The world will be your oyster so to speak – or at least your own four walls will be! Watch out for further details in Devon News or direct from your WI secretary.


Food, Craft & Skills Subcommittee

On writing this for our new website it struck me that we needed a more up to date name Food, Craft and Skills was born out of the original Home Economics Sub Committee! We run events throughout the year starting with our Themed Lunches in January and February. For those of who have never attended we serve a 3-course lunch followed by an after lunch speaker. We cater for around 200 members at different venues.

The Molly Nosworthy Competition
Molly Nosworthy was a past member of the Home Economics Sub-Committee and was interested in so many crafts her house was full of all her exquisite work. She was a past member of Post Meridian WI. She bequeathed a sum of money to be used for a competition. We purchased the Rose Bowl which is presented to the winner of the competition held in the spring each year, the competition alternates between cooking, craft and flower arranging.

We look after the Food, Craft and Skills areas of which there are 8 throughout the county all holding classes covering many different aspects of craft and cookery. The Areas get together in April at Clyst St George Village Hall to give their reports and bring all the stunning work they have been doing through the year. We have attended the Devon County Show and Mid Devon, North Devon and Okehampton shows where we have held a Cooperative Competition with a different theme each year.

We will be holding Christmas craft days in late October, dates and venues to be confirmed, when we can start booking village halls again. Look out for information in Devon News, the Website and our Devon Facebook page.

We have a two-day trip planned to Tatton Park Flower Show in July details in Devon News or email

I hope we may see you at some of our future events.


Membership Support Subcommittee

The Membership Support subcommittee is a voluntary team of WI Advisers whose primary role is to help WI officers and committees function the best they can knowing that support is always an email or phone call away. An Adviser is the approachable go-to person offering a warm and friendly helping hand in times of WI need, even if it’s just for a reassuring chat.

In Devon we currently have seven WI Advisers and one Adviser-in-training:


Angie Bache


Maureen Hunter


Evelyn Watson


Sarah Shorthouse


Pat Kirby


Jane Jury


Maureen Hunter

Each Adviser has specific responsibility for certain WIs. They aim to attend each WI’s Annual Meeting every three years as well as be present on request. They also facilitate WI formations, suspensions and enlargements and always welcome invitations to WI events and Group Meetings to join in the fun as well as the formalities.

Devon is a large county geographically and the team is always in need of more WI Advisers. Training is shared by the National and Devon Federations who welcome contact from any member wishing to learn more about this important role within the organization. Please consider coming aboard.

To get in touch, either email or phone the office on 01392 255386


Sports & Leisure Subcommittee

The S & L Committee has a fairly diverse role. We organise sporting events such as croquet, skittles and bowling to name but a few! We hold walks in various parts of the County and overnight trips to other counties and places of interest such as Hampton Court and The Royal Mint.


The Environment and Rural Affairs Subcommittee

The Environment and Rural Affairs committee has been part of Devon WI for well over 10 years.

Each member of the team is passionate about one subject or more that relates to our beautiful world and particularly Devon, and it is that passion that drives us to try to provide interesting facts, talks and events for you all to share. With all we do we also keep in mind the National campaigns that relate to the environment such as SOS for Bees, Plastic Soup, Fast Fashion and the long standing fight on Litter.

We try to bring you the latest information we have on these subjects but also on a wider knowledge base. We hope you like what we do, and it would be great for you to come and join in any of our events.

We are always looking for people with a passion for the Environment and Rural affairs to join this committee.


The International & Public Affairs Subcommittee (IPA)

The International& Public Affairs Subcommittee (IPA) has a remit of promoting the WI Campaigns, providing information for the selection of the annual Resolutions and supporting the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) organisation.

The work is interesting and varied with opportunities to develop new ideas and projects. It follows the annual programme set out by NFWI and we have access to their digital and written resources. The annual WI campaigns always have a health, social or environmental basis and contain a strong educational element.

Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) is an organisation that supports health and social schemes in developing countries across the world. We are looking to develop this aspect of our remit more over the next few years.

We meet regularly by monthly Zoom meetings and get together twice yearly for specific tasks and social contact.

Liz Roberts - Chairman
Heather Penwarden - Vice Chair
Sue Mitchell - Secretary
Valerie Styles - Financial Coordinator
Karen Jenks - Committee Member

IPA Secretary on

I&PA follows the annual programme set out by NFWI for the resolutions and campaigns. The WI campaigns always have a health, social or environmental basis and contain a strong educational element.

In 2021 the vote for the top resolution 'A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of Ovarian Cancer' will be decided by WIs rather than at the Annual Meeting. In April, May and June WIs will be able to access NFWI's digital resources through MyWI and watch pre-recordings of the resolution speakers at the Annual meeting before making their decision. Votes will be cast via an online form. The results will be available later in the summer and events to promote this campaign will be planned for 2021/22.

NFWI has also reissued and updated its ' Get on Board' campaign, which calls on the Government and local authorities to work in partnership with bus companies and community transport operators to enable an adequate provision of services. The new report aims to build understanding of the impacts of cuts to bus services on women and people living in rural areas.

Resolution Timetable
In June 2021 NFWI will develop supporting documents and guidance for WIs and Federations who wish to submit a resolution for 2022. A resolution proposal needs to consider:

  • shortlisting criteria
  • wording
  • fit with charitable objectives
  • contribution to WI's existing mandates

During October a shortlist of resolutions is drawn up by NFWI.

In November resources for the shortlisted resolutions are made available online and in MyLife.

Mid November - mid January - IPA will set up Resolution Meetings by Zoom and in person at various venues in Devon.

January is the deadline for member's resolution slips to be returned to DFWI and on to NFWI.

In early 2022 NFWI confirms the Resolution to go forward to NFWI Annual Meeting in June 2022.

Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) is an organisation that supports health and social schemes in developing countries across the world. It was formed in 1929 as an international charity connecting and supporting rural women worldwise.

The founding President was Madge Watts, the lady who introduced the Women's Institute to Wales in 1915. Nowadays ACWW has 9 million members across 84 countries with 470 member societies including NFWI. All WI members are ACWW members through their WI annual membership but it is also possible to become an individual member through a personal subscription.

DFWI is a full member of ACWW and holds 5 votes. The votes are used for voting on resolutions, recommendations and election of officers by the appointed delegate at ACWW conferences and events.

ACWW aims to hold a World Conference every 3 years with the next in Malaysia in 2023. A European Conference is also held every 3 years. Unfortunately the 2020 conference in Glasgow has had to be postponed.

One of the main roles of ACWW is advocacy through its work at the United Nations and support of the ACWW projects across countries. The projects reflect the 6 focus areas supported by the charity are:

  1. Education and Capacity Building
  2. Nutrition, Good Health and Wellbeing
  3. Sustainable Agriculture, Training and Development
  4. Income Generation and Livelihood
  5. Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Energy
  6. Maternal and Reproductive Health

In order to support ACWW projects the 'Pennies for Friendship' Scheme was introduced. It was launched in 1939 by Mrs Drage, a friend of Mrs Watts and an active WI member in Wales.

A wide range of WI events take place every year to support ACWW often around ACWW Day on 29th April. A popular event is Women Walk the World with donations collected for Pennies for Friendship. Other events include beach cleans and craft workshops with donations to ACWW.

More information is available at the ACWW website or by contacting IPA Subcommittee.


The Office & Finance Subcommittee

The Office and Finance committee consists of members of the Board of trustees, including all Officers; former Holding Trustees; and any interested parties with relevant experience.

The purposes of the committee are to review many of our practices and policies and set up robust procedures that will ensure we are better equipped for the future to aid decision making and to offer a cohesive approach to spending. Reports and proposals from the committee ensure the Board are better informed and are fully engaged in ensuring that DFWI is working to meet its aims and objectives in a productive and professional manner. Any recommendations made by the committee must be ratified by the Board of Trustees.

The Office and Finance committee has oversight of:

  • Budgets and investments, including (but not limited to) Subcommittee income and expenditure, travel and expenses claims, Office expenses, staffing costs.
  • Building and environment maintenance, including a strategic plan for upkeep of the existing building and grounds, enhancement of the same, and consideration of longer term plans.
  • Personnel issues including hiring, appraisal, adhoc expenses, holiday and sickness procedures and reporting, staff remuneration and other costs involved and any other matters pertaining.
  • It is agreed that no one person has autonomy in dealing with these issues. Voting should be recorded when and where needed.
  • Robust audit practices including a comprehensive inventory of all goods owned by DFWI, stringent methods of disposing/ replacing items, clear procedures for financial decision making.

The committee meets at least once every two months and aims to ensure future proofing and effective succession planning – without clear procedures (that can and should be reviewed) any Board is in danger of reinventing the wheel.
