WI Celebration Ideas and Useful links

WI Celebration Ideas

On the 2 May 2022, a special range of WI projects and recipes will go live on My WI, including guidance on how to set up a community event, membership advertisement, food labelling and allergen advice.  We are keen to enable all women to be given the opportunity to join in the jubilee celebrations and will be providing members with ideas for creating a WI Jubilee Gift Box or Care Kit, which could be filled and gifted by WIs to a local food bank, women’s refuge, or charity of their choice.


We will begin to drip-feed a number of recipes and projects as they become available over the coming weeks, but in the meantime, we have received some fabulous suggestions from fellow members to help you get started…


  • Part of a virtual WI; how about organising a virtual tea (or cocktail!) party? Set a dress-theme and join together for a WI version of Gogglebox as everyone watches the Jubilee parade from the comfort of their homes.


  • Create and fill WI themed Jubilee goody-bags and send out to members; join together virtually to open the bags, or simply pass on as gift to a fellow member.


  • Sow wildflower seeds in a pot, your garden or a community space using a purple colour theme.



Useful links

To get your free resources pack from the Big Jubilee Lunch, visit…

The Big Jubilee Lunch | Eden Project Communities


The official government website…

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022


The official website for the Royal Family…

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee | The Royal Family


For guidance on food labelling and allergens…

My WI | Food safety (thewi.org.uk)


We will email all federations again nearer the time with a reminder of what will be available, how to access content and details of how you can share your images throughout the celebrations.  In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the Activities team on activities@nfwi.org.uk

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